Thursday, February 17, 2011

DB Management Studio - SQL Server 2005 lectures

Chapter 1. Starting Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Section 1.1. Starting Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005's Management Studio
Section 1.2. Creating a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Section 1.3. The Query Editor
Section 1.4. Creating Tables Using the Load Script
Section 1.5. Viewing Table Definitions
Section 1.6. Modifying Table Definitions
Section 1.7. Viewing Table Data
Section 1.8. Deleting a Table
Section 1.9. Deleting a Database
Section 1.10. Entering a SQL Query or Statement
Section 1.11. Parsing a Query
Section 1.12. Executing a Query
Section 1.13. Saving a Query
Section 1.14. Displaying the Results
Section 1.15. Stopping Execution of a Long Query
Section 1.16. Printing the Query and Results
Section 1.17. Customizing SQL Server 2005
Section 1.18. Summary
Section 1.19. Review Questions
Section 1.20. Exercises
Chapter 2. Beginning SQL Commands in SQL Server
Section 2.1. Displaying Data with the SELECT Statement
Section 2.2. Displaying or SELECTing Rows or Tuples from a Table
Section 2.3. The COUNT Function
Section 2.4. The ROWCOUNT Function
Section 2.5. Using Aliases
Section 2.6. Synonyms
Section 2.7. Adding Comments to SQL Statements
Section 2.8. Some Conventions for Writing SQL Statements
Section 2.9. A Few Notes About SQL Server 2005 Syntax
Section 2.10. Summary
Section 2.11. Review Questions
Section 2.12. Exercises
Chapter 3. Creating, Populating, Altering, and Deleting Tables
Section 3.1. Data Types in SQL Server 2005
Section 3.2. Creating a Table
Section 3.3. Inserting Values into a Table
Section 3.4. The UPDATE Command
Section 3.5. The ALTER TABLE Command
Section 3.6. The DELETE Command
Section 3.7. Deleting a Table
Section 3.8. Summary
Section 3.9. Review Questions
Section 3.10. Exercises
Section 3.11. References
Chapter 4. Joins
Section 4.1. The JOIN
Section 4.2. The Cartesian Product
Section 4.3. Equi-Joins and Non-Equi-Joins
Section 4.4. Self Joins
Section 4.5. Using ORDER BY with a Join
Section 4.6. Joining More Than Two Tables
Section 4.7. The OUTER JOIN
Section 4.8. Summary
Section 4.9. Review Questions
Section 4.10. Exercises
Chapter 5. Functions
Section 5.1. Aggregate Functions
Section 5.2. Row-Level Functions
Section 5.3. Other Functions
Section 5.4. String Functions
Section 5.5. CONVERSION Functions
Section 5.6. DATE Functions
Section 5.7. Summary
Section 5.8. Review Questions
Section 5.9. Exercises
Chapter 6. Query Development and Derived Structures
Section 6.1. Query Development
Section 6.2. Parentheses in SQL Expressions
Section 6.3. Derived Structures
Section 6.4. Query Development with Derived Structures
Section 6.5. Summary
Section 6.6. Review Questions
Section 6.7. Exercises
Chapter 7. Set Operations
Section 7.1. Introducing Set Operations
Section 7.2. The UNION Operation
Section 7.3. The UNION ALL Operation
Section 7.4. Handling UNION and UNION ALL Situations with an Unequal Number of Columns
Section 7.5. The IN and NOT..IN Predicates
Section 7.6. The Difference Operation
Section 7.7. The Union and the Join
Section 7.8. A UNION Used to Implement a Full Outer Join
Section 7.9. Summary
Section 7.10. Review Questions
Section 7.11. Exercises
Section 7.12. Optional Exercise
Chapter 8. Joins Versus Subqueries
Section 8.1. Subquery with an IN Predicate
Section 8.2. The Subquery as a Join
Section 8.3. When the Join Cannot Be Turned into a Subquery
Section 8.4. More Examples Involving Joins and IN
Section 8.5. Using Subqueries with Operators
Section 8.6. Summary
Section 8.7. Review Questions
Section 8.8. Exercises
Chapter 9. Aggregation and GROUP BY
Section 9.1. A SELECT in Modified BNF
Section 9.2. The GROUP BY Clause
Section 9.3. The HAVING Clause
Section 9.4. GROUP BY and HAVING: Aggregates of Aggregates
Section 9.5. Auditing in Subqueries
Section 9.6. Nulls Revisited
Section 9.7. Summary
Section 9.8. Review Questions
Section 9.9. Exercises
Chapter 10. Correlated Subqueries
Section 10.1. Noncorrelated Subqueries
Section 10.2. Correlated Subqueries
Section 10.3. Existence Queries and Correlation
Section 10.4. SQL Universal and Existential Qualifiers
Section 10.5. Summary
Section 10.6. Review Questions
Section 10.7. Exercises
Chapter 11. Indexes and Constraints on Tables
Section 11.1. The "Simple" CREATE TABLE
Section 11.2. Indexes
Section 11.3. Constraints
Section 11.4. Summary
Section 11.5. Review Questions
Section 11.6. Exercises

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